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Comic tells Cold War spy Kuklinski story

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 14.02.2014 11:54
Poland's National Centre for Culture (NCK) is to publish a comic about Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski, the Polish officer who defected to the US during the Cold War.

Image: NCK

Kuklinski: How a Polish Officer Saved the World (Kuklinski: Jak Polski Officer Swiat Uratowal), has been created by graphic artist Wojciech Sobolewski.

According to Sobolewski, he was unaware that a major movie was being made about the colonel when he came up with the idea for the comic.

"I'd decided on doing a book about great Poles, in which each page would be devoted to a different figure,” he said.

However, Sobolewski soon realised that Kuklinski's tale demanded more extensive treatment.

“His achievements are so extraordinary, that to me, he is second only to Pope John Paul II.”

The sixty-page comic evokes how the Polish colonel became disillusioned with the communist system and went on to risk his life passing thousands of classified military documents to the CIA.

Kuklinski was spirited out of the country by the Americans in November 1981, just weeks before Martial Law was declared in a clampdown on Solidarity activists.

“This is the story of an extraordinary man,” the blurb for the comic announces.

“A Polish officer who challenged the greatest empire in the world to protect Europe against the madness of nuclear war and the victory of communism.”

The comic will be released in March 2014. (nh)

Source: Radiownet, culture.pl

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