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Poland offers bargains for international film-makers

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 17.10.2011 09:25
Poland is carving itself a niche as one of the most cost-effective countries to complete a movie.


Business daily Puls Biznesu notes that the cost of post-production in Poland is distinctly more favourable to investors than current rates in America or Western Europe.

According to the paper, American producers who want to finish post-production at home would have to pay 3.2 million USDS for special effects for a medium budget movie. However, Polish companies can get the job done for almost a tenth of the price, at 1-1.5 million zloty (324,000 – 486,000 dollars).

Polish rates also compare favourably with countries such as France, where investors would have to raise 6-7 million zloty (1.9-2.2 million dollars) for post-production services.

At present, Poland has about 100 active film studios, the vast majority in private hands.

The Polish Film Institute regularly stipulates that studios should take part in international ventures, in return for grants handed out for home-grown movies. (nh/pg)

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