Offside! Let the Games begin!
PR dla Zagranicy
Danuta Isler
27.07.2012 15:00
Offside! Let the Games begin! with Danuta Isler
For 16 days around 10,500 athletes are competing for medals in more than 300 events, among them are 218 athletes from Poland.
Tower Bridge w Londynie z olimpijską dekoracjąfot. PAP/EPA/Sergei Ilnitsky
London's Tower Bridge decorated for the Olympics
In this edition of Offside!:
Polish athletes have officially competed in the Summer Olympics since 1924. Historically track-and fielder Irena Szewinska, a sprinter and long-jumper won the largest number of medals for Poland - 7. The record number of medals - 32 - was one by Polish athletes at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.
The biggest Polish Olympic hopes in London are those with a previous record of Olympic trophies including track-and fielders Anna Rogowska competing in pole vault and Tomasz Majewsk in shot put.

Other Polish Olympic hopes, as usual, include rowers, canoers and swimmers in addition to tennis player Agnieszka Radwanska and Poland's volelyball squad fllowing their first gold medal in the World League Volleyball finals.
The British capital is hosting the Summer Games for the third time in its history. The Olympics in London take place untill 12 August
Offside! is presented by Danuta Isler.